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  • 0,32" Micro 60×32 OLED Display amet Screen

    0,32" Micro 60×32 OLED Display amet Screen

    Descriptio Generalis Propono Type OLED Brand name SAPIENTIA Magnitudo 0.32 inch pixels 60×32 Dots Exhibe Modum Passivum Matrix Active Area(AA) 7.06×3.82mm Panel Size 9.96×8.85×1.2mm Color White(Monochrome) Splendor 160 (Min)cd/m² Coegi Methodi Interna copia Interface I²C Officium 1/32 Pin Number 14 Coegi IC SSD1315 Voltage 1.65-3.3 V Temperature Operational -30 ~ +70 °C Repono Temperature -40 ~ +80°C Product Description X032-6032TSWAG02-H14 i...
  • 0.33 Micro 32 x 62 Dots OLED Display Module Screen

    0.33 Micro 32 x 62 Dots OLED Display Module Screen

    General Description Display Type OLED Brand name WISEVISION Size 0.33 inch Pixels 32 x 62 Dots Propono Modum Passivum Matrix Active Area (AA) 8.42×4.82 mm Panel Size 13.68×6.93×1.25 mm Color Monochroma (White) Splendor 220 (Min)cd/m² Coegi Methodi Interna copia Interface I²C Officium 1/32 Pin Number 14 Driver IC SSD1312 Voltage 1.65-3.3 V Pondus TBD Operational Temperature -40 ~ +85 °C Repono Temperature -40 ~ +85°C Product Information N033-...
  • 0,35 "Micro OLED Display amet Screen"

    0,35 "Micro OLED Display amet Screen"

    General Descriptio Propono Type OLED Brand name WISEVISION Size 0.35 inch Pixels 20 Icon Propono Modum Passivum Matrix Active Area (AA) 7.7582×2.8 mm Panel Size 12.1×6×1.2 mm Color White/Green Splendor 300 (Min)cd/m² Methodus Coegi Internus copia Interface MCU-IO Officium 1/4 Pin Number 9 Driver IC Voltage 3.0-3.5 V Temperature Operational -30 ~ +70 °C Repono Temperature -40 ~ +80°C Product Information One of the main features of our 0.35-inc. .
  • 0,42 "Micro 72-40 Dots OLED Display amet Screen"

    0,42 "Micro 72-40 Dots OLED Display amet Screen"

    General Description Display Type OLED Brand name WISEVISION Size 0.42 inch Pixels 72×40 Dots Display Modum Passivum Matrix Active Area(AA) 9.196×5.18 mm Panel Size 12×11×1.25 mm Color Monochroma (White) Splendor 160 (Min)cd/m² Modus internus agens copia Interface 4-filum SPI/I²C Officium 1/40 Pin Number 16 Driver IC SSD1315 Voltage 1.65-3.3 V Pondus TBD Operational Temperature -40 ~ +85°C Repono Temperature -40 ~ +85°C Descriptio Generalis .. .
  • 0,49 "Micro 64/32 Dots OLED Display amet Screen"

    0,49 "Micro 64/32 Dots OLED Display amet Screen"

    General Description Display Type OLED Brand name WISVISION Size 0.49 inch Pixels 64×32 Dots Display Modum Passivum Matrix Active Area(AA) 11.18×5.58 mm Panel Size 14.5×11.6×1.21 mm Color Monochroma (White/Blue) candor 160 (Min)cd /m² Methodus incessus copia Interface Interface 4-filum SPI/I²C Officium 1/32 Pin Number 14 Driver IC SSD1315 Voltage 1.65-3.3 V Pondus TBD Operational Temperatur...
  • 0,50 "Micro 48/88 Dots OLED Display amet Screen"

    0,50 "Micro 48/88 Dots OLED Display amet Screen"

    General Description Display Type OLED Brand name WISEVISION Size 0.50 inch pixels 48×88 Dots Display Modum Passivum Matrix Active Area (AA) 6.124×11.244 mm Panel Size 8.928×17.1×1.227 mm Color Monochroma (White) Splendor 80 (Min)cd/m² Interface SPI/I²C Duty 1/48 Pin Number 14 Coegi IC CH1115 Voltage 1.65-3.5 V Pondus TBD Operational Temperature -40 ~ +85 °C Repono Temperature -40 ~ +85°C Productum Informatio...
  • 0,54 "Micro 96"32 Dots OLED Display amet Screen "

    0,54 "Micro 96"32 Dots OLED Display amet Screen "

    General Description Display Type OLED Brand name WISVISION Size 0.54 inch Pixels 96×32 Dots Display Modum Passivum Matrix Active Area (AA) 12.46×4.14 mm Panel Size 18.52×7.04×1.227 mm Color Monochroma (White) Claritas 190 (Min)cd/m² Modus internus agens copia Interface I²C Officium 1/40 Pin Number 14 Driver IC CH1115 Voltage 1.65-3.3 V Pondus TBD Operational Temperature -40 ~ +85 °C Repono Temperature -40 ~ +85°C Product Information X...
  • 0,63 "Micro 120×28 Dots OLED Display amet screen

    0,63 "Micro 120×28 Dots OLED Display amet screen

    General Description Display Type OLED Brand name WISEVISION Size 0.63 inch pixels 120×28 Dots Display Modum Passivum Matrix Active Area (AA) 15.58×3.62 mm Panel Size 21.54×6.62×1.22 mm Color Monochroma (White) Splendor 220 (Min)cd/m² Coegi Methodi Interna copia Interface I²C Duty 1/28 Pin Number 14 Driver IC SSD1312 Voltage 1.65-3.3 V Pondus TBD Operational Temperature -40 ~ +85 °C Repono Temperature -40 ~ +85°C Product Information ...
  • 0,66 "Micro 48/88 Dots OLED Display amet Screen"

    0,66 "Micro 48/88 Dots OLED Display amet Screen"

    General Description Display Type OLED Brand name WISVISION Size 0.66 inch Pixels 64×48 Dots Propono Modum Passivum Matrix Active Area (AA) 13.42×10.06 mm Panel Size 16.42×16.9×1.25 mm Color Monochroma (White) Splendor 80 (Min)cd/m² Modus internus agens copia Interface Parallel/ I²C /4-wireSPI Officium 1/48 Pin Number 28 Driver IC SSD1315 Voltage 1.65-3.5 V Pondus TBD Operational Temperature -40 ~ +85 °C Repono Temperature -40 ~ +85°C Pr.. .
  • 0,69 "Micro 96/16 Dots OLED Display amet Screen"

    0,69 "Micro 96/16 Dots OLED Display amet Screen"

    General Description Display Type OLED Brand name WISEVISION Size 0.33 inch Pixels 32 x 62 Dots Propono Modum Passivum Matrix Active Area (AA) 8.42×4.82 mm Panel Size 13.68×6.93×1.25 mm Color Monochroma (White) Splendor 220 (Min)cd/m² Coegi Methodi Interna copia Interface I²C Officium 1/32 Pin Number 14 Driver IC SSD1312 Voltage 1.65-3.3 V Pondus TBD Operational Temperature -40 ~ +85 °C Repono Temperature -40 ~ +85°C Product Information N069-...
  • 0,77" Micro 64×128 Dots OLED Display amet screen

    0,77" Micro 64×128 Dots OLED Display amet screen

    General Description Display Type OLED Brand name WISEVISION Size 0.77 inch Pixels 64×128 Dots Propono Modum Passivum Matrix Active Area(AA) 9.26×17.26 mm Panel Size 12.13×23.6×1.22 mm Color Monochroma (White) Claritas 180 (Min)cd/m² Coegi Methodi Interna copia Interface 4-filum SPI Officium 1/128 Pin Number 13 Driver IC SSD1312 Voltage 1.65-3.5 V Pondus TBD Operational Temperature -40 ~ +70 °C Repono Temperature -40 ~ +85°C Product Information ...
  • 0,87 "Micro 128×32 Dots OLED Display amet screen

    0,87 "Micro 128×32 Dots OLED Display amet screen

    General Description Display Type OLED Brand name WISEVISION Size 0.77 inch Pixels 64×128 Dots Propono Modum Passivum Matrix Active Area(AA) 9.26×17.26 mm Panel Size 12.13×23.6×1.22 mm Color Monochroma (White) Claritas 180 (Min)cd/m² Coegi Methodi Interna copia Interface 4-filum SPI Officium 1/128 Pin Number 13 Driver IC SSD1312 Voltage 1.65-3.5 V Pondus TBD Operational Temperature -40 ~ +70 °C Repono Temperature -40 ~ +85°C Product Information ...
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